who am i?

Hola spiritual family!

My name is Paloma & I am an intuitive tarot reader, psychic & a spiritual bruja better known as Bruja Luna Paloma.

All my life, my passions have some way revolved around helping people achieve their goals, creating a supportive community and especially reaching BIPOC people who are into spirituality with my work.

I have lived in Finland for most of my life as well as in 4 other countries working and learning about myself. I have roots in Finland & in the Dominican Republic.

There is so much to learn when it comes to ancient Finnish practices, spirituality, Dominican voodoo & magic. With Dominican magic, I love the fact that it brings people together. A space where people can connect through music and experiences with the lwas.

I plan on continuing my learning journey every day.

i love making people feel at ease and help them reach their goals.

I have a bachelors degree in tourism and business management majoring in event production and many years of experience in the tourism & travel field. I believe it is one of the things that has made me the person I am today, being able to communicate and create a connection with people all across the world. As a former competetive swimmer and a swimming coach, water was and still is an important element for me. I implement it with the magic I do today for myself and with my clients as well. In addition to teaching and working with people I have also organized several events with the intention of bringing the AfroFinnish community together.

So as you can see - almost everything that I have done up until this day has somehow revolved around people and community care. My dream is to be able travel freely and see people from our communities across the world while combining the things that I love: magic, travel, water & bringing people together.

I was a very intuitive and imaginative child - always believing there were divine energies surrounding us. I went to a catholic school in Dominican Republic for a few years but that never really felt like it was something that called to me. I never liked labels or people trying to fit me into a box or mould me into something I am not. That is why even as a child my mother gave me a choice to decide what calls to me. Now as an adult while I began researching and connecting with my roots - I found out that within family (both paternal & maternal sides) there have been other spiritual practicioners. On my mothers side there were doulas and Shaman’s working with herbs and on my father’s side many generations who worked with spirits & the 21 divisions. This was something that sparked a curiosity in me. So I wanted to learn more.

I bought my first Tarot deck in 2019 when I was visiting family in London. I felt called to the traditional Raider-Waite Smith deck and started studying the meanings of each card to get myself familiar with them. For the longest time I felt like I shouldn’t do readings to other people if I couldn’t remember the meaning of each card perfectly. However after some practice I realized that although yes you should know the general meanings of each card - you can also read them by just looking into the shapes and colors. You can look at a tarot card and see what you feel and what comes to your mind. That is the beauty of being an intuitive tarot reader.

When I sit down in a reading with a client, I tune in to the energies surrounding us. I like to work together with my ancestors and spirit guides and aks for guidance when it feels called for.

Photo by: Seidi Rantanen

Although I have had to “find” my bruja powers like many others - being a bruja is a big part of my identity and I carry it proudly. It is a way to connect back to my Afrodominican roots and I feel I am reclaiming it for my ancestors who couldn’t because they had to practice in secret. There is so much I have had to learn and continue learning when it comes to being a bruja & that is the beauty of it. One of the reasons I call myself a bruja is because I want to dismantle the negative thoughts that people might put on to that word. A bruja is not an evil being or something to be scared of.

My ancestors practiced magic and it was not until their countries got colonized that fear was placed upon them in return. Many brujxs were healers & practicioners who helped a lot of people from their own communities. So whenever I make an impact with work or help another person, I think of them.


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